Welcome to T.M. Clark Elementary!
In order to have a seamless, safe, and enjoyable visit, please read a few housekeeping items:
Before Visiting:
- Please only arrive 5 minutes before students lunch period. (Grade level times can be found on our campus website.)
- Ensure you have purchased a ticket for each Visitor coming to join student for lunch.
During Visit:
- Be prepared with your I.D. for scanning & present QR code on the HOMETOWN app or printed copy for verification.
- Visitor badge must be visible and worn at all times.
- Outside food is allowable for your child only.
- Enjoy lunch with only your child at the designated visitor tables.
- Due to student confidentiality, photos or video taping is not permitted.
Before Leaving:
- Please stop by the front office to turn in your visitor pass.
Thank you for your cooperation in keeping all students safe!